Sandy Seventh-day Adventist Church

Hope and Healing For All People

Plant-based Cooking Class

Linda Tyler is a Portland-based cooking instructor, and most recently, author of The Plant-Based Anti-Inflammatory Cookbook. Come enjoy recipes and samples that will help fight against inflammation.  Follow her at  

Learn how to batch cook at our Plant-Based Meal Prep Classes! Cook with our coaches alongside. Take home four delicious foods each week! Grains, beans, vegetables, and a sauce of dressing. 

There are only a few spots available! Those who register and pay first will secure their spots. The cost is $60 for 4 cooking classes. You must pay in advance. Call or text for more information: 609-658-6712.

When:                  Sundays, February 2, 9 16 and 23

Time:                    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Where:                 Sandy Seventh-day Adventist Church Fellowship Room


Please register and pay below. In case of inclement weather, students will receive a text and email and the class will be rescheduled.

