Jesus calls you to lead.
It's a call Jesus gives to every baptized believer. Choosing to not accept this call may be a rejection of every blessing Jesus has to offer.
Whatever our identity -- retiree, student, spouse, parent, grandparent, employee, manager, or business owner -- every Christian is also a disciple of Jesus. Jesus calls His disciples to lead in making disciples and teaching them to observe His commandments (Matthew 28:16-20).
We all have dreams, plans and responsibilities.
Whatever is on your list of things to do, your Christian identity needs to intersect with everything about you.
There is a danger in becoming so busy that you no longer are productive. It's possible to become so busy working for God, that we miss opportunities to do God's work.
Jesus gives you His Great Commission as a calling. It's a calling to lead others to Jesus.
We don't need to, and shouldn't wait, for any other individual or committee to ask us to lead. The power to lead is given by Jesus' gift of the Holy Spirit to everyone who asks.
We shouldn't wait until we have time to lead. Waiting for the right time, misses the point.
Every dream, plan or responsibility that involves you and at least one other person is an opportunity God gives you to lead.
Christian's lead by influence. A true Christian's character produces an atmosphere that radiates the light of love within their circle of influence--at home, at school, at work, in their neighborhoods and in the church.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, a Christian produces the fruit of the spirit characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This is how a faithful Christian gives light to the world.
The light of the Holy Spirit produces light in the life of the Christian. When it is present, this light positively affects the people around us. In the words of Jesus, "No one lights a lamp and hides it under a basket, but puts it on a lampstand where it can give light to all who are in the house" (Matthew 5:15).
Surrender to the influence of Jesus' self-sacrificing love. Don't miss the opportunity to ask Jesus to pour His light into your soul every day.
Go light your world and lead others to Jesus!